Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Attendance isn't optional all the time. I'm sorry.

A challenge that has become increasingly apparent recently is accountability of the people in the organizations I hold leadership positions in. Sometimes I just get really frustrated at the people who don't come to events, ignore reminders, and always seem to have ever-flowing mountains of homework, papers, and projects.

I had never met people as busy as the people who email me and let me know they won't be at chapter before I became secretary of Sigma Pi. I had never met a person with the equivalent of Mount Everest of homework before I tried to get members of my chapter to go to a one-hour speaker series. The things people pull out of their excuse vault when they get plain lazy are ridiculous. "My marketing group has a meeting." The group meeting can't be moved? You didn't realize they scheduled a meeting during the hour you have chapter. The hour that we have had chapter for all three years you have been in Sigma Pi? Must have slipped your mind, I guess.

The problem has kind of hit a boiling point for me and I'm struggling to put together ideas on how to conquer this situation. I want people to come to the events we plan. So many people work so hard to plan events, prepare for chapter, and make sure things are fun, entertaining and relevant for the people who should be showing up. So many times, the people attending these presentations, chapter meetings, and programs are the people who would know everything about the topics regardless.

How can we attract the people who we aren't attracting? How can I portray the importance of chapter to the members who never show up?

These are just a few questions that I've struggled with lately. Right now, I'm going to go talk to the people who don't normally show up and try to fully understand their reasoning. Maybe I'm mistaken in my frustration, but I don't think my anger is all that off-base.

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